[Secret Revealed] Exclusive Weight Loss Tips for Different MBTI Types


MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a personality assessment tool based on Carl Jung's psychological theory, which categorizes personalities into 16 different types.

Each person's personality type has unique characteristics and strengths, so different approaches are needed to achieve faster and more effective weight loss success.

Below are weight loss method recommendations for different MBTI types.

ISTJ (Logistician)


The ISTJ personality, also known as the "Inspector" or "Logistician," is the most practical, direct, and honest of all the 16 personality types. They possess a high degree of drive and an orderly approach to life, making them a reliable and reassuring companion.

ISTJs enjoy planning everything and prefer an organized and systematic lifestyle. Therefore, if you provide ISTJs with a fixed and followable exercise and diet plan, they will be very obedient.

It is recommended that ISTJs choose an aerobic exercise and diet menu that they enjoy and can sustain, such as swimming or cycling, along with a different nutritional menu every day, and incorporate it into their daily schedule.

ISTJpersonality type females tend to find satisfaction and comfort in following a schedule, so if they want to lose weight quickly, using the time-based plan of the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle would make it easy for them to succeed.

ISFJ (Defender)


ISFJ personalities tend to focus on the needs of others and may need to pay more attention to their own physical health. It is recommended that they choose a low-intensity exercise, such as walking or yoga, to both lose weight and reduce stress.

Additionally, consuming an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily can help with weight loss and reduce stress levels.

In a recent research, participants who consumed at least 470 grams of fruits and vegetables daily experienced a 10% decrease in stress levels compared to those who consumed less than 230 grams daily. Leafy greens contain folate, which aids in the secretion of dopamine, a substance that calms the brain. A study of 2,800 individuals found that those who consumed high levels of folate had a significantly lower risk of depression.

However, because ISFJ (Defender) personalities tend to be more considerate of others, they may sometimes spend too much time focusing on others, which can lead to not having enough time to prepare healthy meals or exercise.

By using the instant and convenient Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle, which can be consumed according to a schedule for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, one can achieve healthy weight loss results. This slimming drink can be prepared within just 10 seconds, making it perfect for ISFJ!

INFJ (Advocate)


The INFJ personality (advocate/ idealist) is very introverted and not very good at socializing. They prefer solitude and are very meticulous and detail-oriented. They possess acute observation skills and are very considerate of others, able to empathize with others' negative emotions and are good listeners and understanding individuals.

However, INFJs also expect others to treat them in the same manner. They can easily feel disappointed when their beliefs and opinions are not recognized. INFJ's friends are usually very insightful, have unique perspectives, perform well, and excel academically. They possess a keen intuition and are not easily deceived, being able to easily discern the truth.

INFJs who are not good at socializing can choose solitary exercise options such as yoga, dance, swimming, etc., and incorporate them into their schedule. These exercises not only help with weight loss but also help to relax the mind and improve overall mental health.

Just like ISFJ personalities, the most suitable weight loss supplement for INFJ personalities is the instant and convenient Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle. By consuming it according to a schedule for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, one can achieve healthy weight loss results.

INTJ (Architect)


INTJ (Architect) is one of the rarest personality types in the MBTI, accounting for only 2% of the world's population, with females being even rarer at just 0.8%. INTJs are known for their strong strategic abilities and rich imagination and idealism.

INTJs believe that with hard work and planning, any goal can be achieved. However, INTJs may also be critical of the laziness and inability of people to achieve great things, which may cause INTJs to be unwilling to cooperate with those people.

INTJ personalities tend to have a logical and analytical approach to things, and are known for their strategic thinking. Therefore, they may prefer a structured and planned weight loss program.

For INTJs who enjoy solitude, we recommend designing a structured aerobic exercise schedule that they can commit to at least three times a week at a set time, such as running or swimming after work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This will help them maintain a routine and stay motivated to achieve their weight loss goals.

To achieve quick weight loss results, in addition to a fixed diet control and exercise routine, incorporating the time-based plan ofthe Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle will definitely expedite the process.

ISTP (Virtuoso)


ISTP (Virtuoso) personalities are described as male-leaning and account for 5% of the population. However, in women, the personality traits of ISTP are very rare because ISTPs enjoy an energetic and curious lifestyle, preferring to solve problems and operate machinery themselves.

ISTPs are independent and sometimes may appear to be careless about the process, direction, etiquette, or personal safety when taking action, appearing hasty or willful. However, in reality, their actions and observations are based on judgments made from a wide range of accumulated knowledge over the long term.

Choosing a challenging form of exercise may help ISTPs develop a love for physical activity, such as rock climbing or dance. Fast-paced and exciting activities, such as parkour or paragliding, may also be appealing to ISTPs.

Individuals with ISTP personality types may have a tendency to lose interest quickly and forget about exercise when faced with new challenges in life. Therefore, they can choose to use Pro-Actizyme as their weight loss supplement. Good bacteria can work in the gut 24/7, eliminating harmful bacteria and aiding in weight loss.

ISFP (Adventurer)


ISFP (Adventurer) personalities are highly sensitive to aesthetics and enjoy exploring the beautiful things in everyday life. From a young age, they exhibit talent in the arts, such as painting and handicrafts.

ISFPs have an extremely sensitive observation ability, especially to details such as colors and scents, and therefore have high demands and standards in the field of art.

If ISFP individuals want to lose weight, choosing a form of exercise with an artistic element may be the most suitable option for them, such as classical dance or aerial yoga. Additionally, using different colored vegetables in their meals can effectively make them happy and start a healthy diet, reducing calorie intake.

Using the color-coded packaging of the Intense Plus++ Weight Loss Bundle may be a preferred method for ISFP who want to lose weight quickly.

INFP (Philosopher)


INFP (Mediator) personalities are often described as gentle idealists and are truly people with a great spirit of love. They are passionate about helping others and have strong empathy and compassion. Even if they don't easily talk about these topics due to their personality, they are always silently concerned about the world and the people around them.

INFPs usually do not pay attention to things that do not interest them and may even appear indifferent. On the other hand, if they encounter something that interests them, INFPs become extremely invested and may even pursue their goals relentlessly, showing an extreme personality.

Therefore, if an INFP wants to lose weight, they may choose harmful weight loss methods such as weight loss pills or extreme dieting in order to achieve quick success.

Using improper weight loss methods can harm the body. Therefore, it's better to combine a healthy diet and exercise routine with the consumption of the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle. All products in the bundle use a patented formula and do not contain any banned pharmaceutical ingredients, making it a safe and healthy weight loss solution for INFP personalities.

INTP (Logician)


INTP (Logician) personalities are quiet, deep thinkers who are skilled at analysis. They enjoy spending long periods of time alone, contemplating and searching for solutions to problems. INTPs are curious about how systems and things operate and crave understanding of their underlying principles, which may make them interested in health and nutrition knowledge.

INTPs are more introverted and tend to express their emotions through writing rather than verbal communication. They are not fond of attending gatherings or social occasions and prefer to have in-depth conversations with close friends on a one-to-one basis.

It is recommended that ESTP personalities choose a form of aerobic exercise that they can do alone, such as running or swimming, to effectively reduce body fat. Additionally, scheduling workouts with a friend, such as doubles yoga, badminton, or racquetball, is also a great option for ESTPs as it provides social interaction and can be a fun way to stay motivated and engaged in their fitness routine.

To achieve faster fat loss results, INTP personalities can use SHAPE as a drink replacement for their meals. This product can absorb thus reduce the oil content in meals, helping individuals to achieve their weight loss goals more quickly.

ESTP (Entrepreneur)


ESTP (Entrepreneur) personalities are also known as challengers, entrepreneurs, observers, and negotiation experts. Once they discover an opportunity, they boldly take action and seize the initiative. They do not hesitate, but choose to act immediately and adjust their approach as they go.

ESTPs are naturally optimistic, active, adaptable, and enjoy living in the moment. They are interested in anything that provides new experiences, such as activities, food, fashion, and people, and just want to enjoy the present and have fun today.

Therefore, choosing a challenging or competitive sport such as skateboarding, whitewater kayaking, baseball, parkour, running, cycling, or swimming may be addictive for ESTPs looking to lose weight.

However, if these sports do not provide quick weight loss results, ESTPs may quickly give up on their weight loss goals.

Additionally, ESTP personalities may find it difficult to resist the temptation of new and exciting foods, as they tend to live in the moment. Therefore, achieving successful weight loss may be more challenging for ESTPs compared to other personality types.

If you're tempted by delicious food but still want to lose weight, using the Intense Plus++ Weight Loss Bundle can help! Whether it is to lock sugar before meals or eliminate fat after meals, it will make the weight loss journey easier for ESTP personalities.

ESFP (Entertainer)


ESFP (Entertainer) personalities are natural performers who love the spotlight and believe that the whole world is their stage. Many celebrities with this personality type are actors, but even among friends, they enjoy expressing themselves and strive to be the center of attention, making every outing feel like a party.

They are full of social energy and find satisfaction in the simplest things, believing that nothing is more enjoyable than having fun with a large group of friends.

ESFPs prefer a free and relaxed atmosphere. When they encounter problems, they tend to avoid them and hope that time will ease everything and calm things down.

On the weight loss journey, even with the correct weight loss method, there is a high chance of encountering a plateau phase. ESFPs may give up easily during a plateau phase. When ESFPs are happy, sad, or experiencing personal changes, they may lose control of their eating habits.

Indeed, ESFPs are enthusiastic and passionate, but they may have weaker time-management skills and quickly lose patience with repetitive and dull tasks. Therefore, a timed and scheduled exercise or weight loss plan, or a regular aerobic exercise program may not be working for ESFPs in achieving their weight loss goals.

Sports or activities that offer variety, allow them to perform in front of an audience, and capture people's attention, such as boxing or various forms of dance, may be the most suitable for ESFP personalities looking to lose weight.

Using the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle can help combat various body shape concerns such as body fat, water retention, and constipation, making it the perfect choice for ESFP personalities who may easily choose to avoid exercise or struggle with sticking to a strict schedule.

ENFP (Campaigner)


ENFP (Campaigner) personalities are one type of perfectionist. They usually appear optimistic, cheerful, and have a long contact list on their phone. They have diverse interests and are not easily depressed. Even if they do experience depression, they can usually recover quickly on their own.

ENFPs are outgoing, energetic, and have a vivid imagination, which gives them excellent social skills and makes them easily attract attention.

If ENFP personalities are looking to successfully lose weight through exercise, they may want to consider choosing group activities that offer a lot of variety, such as team sports. On the other hand, individual activities that are repetitive and monotonous, such as running, may not be as suitable for ENFPs.

Yes, ENFPs tend to rely on their intuition and subjective judgment when facing and dealing with things, which can sometimes lead to excessive suspicion or skepticism about people or situations. 

For ENFP personalities who are skeptical to everything, it's important to use the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle which contains multiple patented formula ingredients and is proven to be free of any banned pharmaceuticals.

Compared to uncertified and untested weight loss products on the market, it's important to choose weight loss products with multiple independent laboratory test results, clear patent numbers, sold by registered companies, and endorsed by celebrity spokespersons, for a safer and more trustworthy weight loss experience.

ENTP (Debater)


ENTP (Debater) personalities are known as "high-functioning" or "genius types" in psychology. They are proactive, optimistic, intelligent, and energetic, but they are also the type of people who would rather give up if they don't have a good start.

They are optimistic, humorous, enjoy challenging their intelligence, dislike being alone, and do not like doing what they consider to be dull tasks.

For ENTPs, they are passionate about pursuing new experiences that they have never had before and are dismissive of the details and trivialities of life.

If ENTP personalities are looking to successfully lose weight through exercise, they may want to consider choosing activities that are challenging and offer a lot of variety, such as aerial yoga, skateboarding, boxing, or rollerblading.

On the other hand, activities that are repetitive and monotonous, such as swimming, rowing machines, or aerobic exercise machines, may not be as suitable for ENTPs.

However, these workouts involve a lower amount of repetitions with longer rest periods, thus leading to slower fat burning rate and less muscle gain compared to weightlifting and aerobic exercise. Therefore, using the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle as a supplement can help speed up fat burning and boost metabolism for faster weight loss results.

ESTJ (Executive)


ESTJs deeply believe in the importance of laws, rules, and rights.

ESTJs' leadership style is to lead by example, to work hard, to be honest and decisive, and to strongly oppose laziness and cheating, especially in the workplace. ESTJs believe that working hard is the best way to shape one's character.

ESTJs live their lives according to fixed rules, which makes them persistent and reliable. They are often very traditional and interested in maintaining existing systems.

ESFJs have a certain possessiveness and desire for complete control over things. Therefore, they like to have a comprehensive plan when doing things and require others to follow suit. However, when their ideas are rejected by others, they are often emotionally hurt.

The most suitable exercise for ESFJ personalities who want to work hard is weight training, which can effectively help them build muscle and burn fat.

To achieve successful weight loss, ESTJ personalities can use the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle in combination with a fixed drinking schedule. Additionally, incorporating a highly structured exercise routine and diet control plan can also be a successful weight loss method for ESTJ personalities.

ESFJ (Consul)


ESFJs have excellent collaboration skills and can establish friendly and harmonious relationships with others. However, they can sometimes be stubborn and unwilling to accept opposing views and opinions, making them prone to making decisions in a domineering way.

ESFJs are diligent and practical and dislike exaggeration. ESFJs can win the trust of their superiors and be entrusted with important tasks, working conscientiously. Due to their emphasis on interpersonal relationships, ESFJs are usually popular and happy to please others.

Like ESTJs, ESFJs can perceive potential dangers in their surroundings. Therefore, they maintain a high level of vigilance in this dangerous world. This is not due to being overly suspicious, but rather due to their consideration for safety.

ESFJ personalities may choose to engage in enjoyable and relaxed forms of exercise such as cycling, yoga, or swimming to effectively reduce body fat while also improving their mood. Additionally, since ESFJs usually cooperate well with others, they may also enjoy participating in fitness programs with friends to achieve their weight loss goals together.

ESFJ personalities may prefer a systematic and planned approach to weight loss, as they like to have a clear plan and be in complete control of their progress. Therefore, the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle with a fixed drinking schedule can be a suitable weight loss supplement to help ESFJ individuals embark on a healthier weight loss journey.

ENFJ (Protagonist)


ENFJ personalities are also known as "protagonist personalities" and are a very rare type, accounting for only 2% of the global population.

They are naturally infectious and can influence others in whatever they do: when they are feeling down, they can have a negative impact on others, but when they radiate positive energy, they can become a guiding light for others. 

For ENFJs, it is important to spend time thinking about "what they really want." Usually, this personality type is always concerned about others and is likely to be pulled along by them.

Therefore, finding their own core values is a goal that ENFJs can strive for, so that ENFJs do not spend a lot of time and energy without getting the recognition and reward they deserve.

ENFJ personalities are usually very concerned about the needs and emotions of others, so they may choose to exercise with others or participate in group activities when it comes to weight loss. This can help ENFJs maintain social interaction and receive encouragement from others. Group exercise classes or team sports can provide ENFJs with a supportive environment where they can work towards their fitness goals while also enjoying the company of others.

Additionally, ENFJs may find it helpful to have an accountability partner or coach who can support them throughout their weight loss journey.

ENFJs value interpersonal relationships and often enjoy dining out with family, friends, or colleagues. However, oily and greasy foods are often hard to resist at these gatherings. To achieve quick weight loss success, ENFJ individuals can use SHAPE as a drink replacement for their meal to absorb and eliminate the oil content in their meals, helping them achieve their desired weight loss results faster.

ENTJ (Commander)


ENTJ (Commander) personalities account for around 3% of the population and are perhaps the most rational of all personalities. If faced with an unsolvable problem, seeking advice from an ENTJ can often result in objective analysis and practical solutions, even if they may sometimes come across as stern.

Due to their rational and goal-oriented nature, ENTJ personalities may be more inclined to choose scientifically and research-based methods when it comes to weight loss. They would be happy to explore the data and research behind various weight loss programs and dietary plans to determine the most effective methods to achieve their goals.

ENTJ personalities often pursue challenges and a sense of accomplishment, so they may consider participating in high-intensity exercise programs such as interval training, HIIT, or weight training to challenge their physical and mental limits. These types of exercises can provide them with a sense of achievement and help them stay motivated to achieve their fitness goals.

However, it is important for ENTJ personalities to also listen to their bodies and not push themselves too hard, as overexertion can lead to injury and setbacks.

ENTJ personalities are also known for their planning and organizational abilities, and can create a detailed weight loss plan that includes regular weigh-ins and health checkups to ensure that their weight loss progress aligns with their goals and timeline. Using the Intense Plus++ Slimming Bundle with a fixed drinking schedule can also make weight loss success more achievable for ENTJ individuals.