【#Vivien Yeo’s Beauty & Lifestyle】Debunking the Lemon Water Skin Whitening Myth! Tips to Correctly Improve Complexion and Achieve Whiter Skin!

【#Vivien Yeo’s Beauty & Lifestyle】揭開用檸檬水美白的迷思!教你避免用錯誤方法改善膚色和美白!

In recent times, there has been an abundance of online whitening methods. If you wish to try a natural approach to whitening, drinking lemon water for skin whitening is a traditional method that you may have heard of repeatedly. The citric acid component in lemons is considered a natural whitening agent with the potential to improve complexion. But does blindly drinking lemon water really whiten the skin? Let's uncover the myths surrounding it and help you avoid common mistakes while effectively improving your complexion and achieving whiter skin.


1) Can drinking lemon water alone directly whiten the skin?


Lemon water is believed to have some whitening effects, helping to improve complexion and reduce blemishes and marks. The vitamin C present in lemons also aids in inhibiting melanin production, thereby reducing the formation of dark spots. However, the whitening effect of lemon water is relatively mild, and its effectiveness may vary depending on individual skin type and usage. Therefore, excessively drinking lemon water cannot replace proper skincare habits and other whitening methods.


2) Can excessive intake of lemon water be harmful to the body?


(1) Lemons contain abundant citric acid, which can be mildly irritating. Excessive intake of lemon water may lead to discomforts in the oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract, such as mouth pain, heartburn, and diarrhea.

(2) Citric acid has a corrosive effect on teeth. Overconsumption of lemon water can damage tooth enamel, making teeth sensitive and prone to discoloration.

(3) Lemon water is highly acidic, and excessive intake may burden gastrointestinal health. This is particularly relevant for individuals with pre-existing conditions such as excessive gastric acid, gastritis, or stomach ulcers, as consuming too much lemon water may exacerbate their symptoms.


3) Does using lemon water as a facial rinse accelerate whitening?

Some people incorporate lemon juice into their face masks, expecting to achieve its whitening effects. However, lemons contain a component called psoralea, which is a photosensitive substance. Exposure to sunlight after using such products can easily lead to sunburn and the appearance of dark spots, intensifying the deposition of melanin. Therefore, when using products containing vitamin C, it is essential to take proper sun protection measures before going outdoors. Additionally, it is advisable to dilute lemon juice with water to reduce its potential irritation to the skin. It's worth noting that lemon acid may have a stimulating effect on sensitive skin, so individuals with sensitive skin should use lemon water with caution. When using lemon water as a facial rinse, it's important to pay attention to the duration to avoid skin irritation or dryness.


4) One thing to note when drinking lemon water: Avoid teeth discoloration

When lemon water comes into contact with teeth, it corrodes the enamel, causing it to become thinner and more susceptible to tooth discoloration and yellowing. Using a straw to drink lemon water can reduce direct contact with the teeth, minimizing its corrosive effects. Additionally, after drinking lemon water, remember to rinse and clean your mouth. Rinsing with water effectively removes residual lemon juice from the oral cavity, reducing harm to the teeth.


My whitening recommendation:


To make my whitening plan more efficient, I take 1-2 capsules of  GLOWHITE  daily. They provide comprehensive cell protection, preventing continuous damage to the skin caused by UV rays and the formation of melanin, resulting in deep whitening effects from the inside out.